What happens when you conquer negativity and believe in yourself?

 Conquer Negativity

The biggest question here is when you are faced with a challenge, how do you respond? Do you immediately start thinking of ways that you can tackle it, or do you find yourself saying that nothing is going to work? If you are the latter, why do you focus on finding reasons that something will fail? Listen, we ALL have challenges in life. It’s how you deal with your challenges that will determine your outcome. Can you believe in yourself and conquer negativity?

believe in yourself

The difference between those who are successful and those who are not (whether it’s in life, business, or health) is simple: successful people have a determination to make any situation work. Some people suggest that it’s a matter of background, resources, connections, or luck that creates success. While all of those may be contributing factors, self-belief is even more important.

Believe in Yourself

Okay, so not every idea will pan out for every person, however, if you believe in something (and yourself) then you’ll find that changes how you think can improve your self-confidence. If you want to ride the path of success, it’s important that you understand how your brain will play tricks on you. Your subconscious brain, (aka your ego) , of course, is more interested in keeping you alive than it is in your life plans and goals. We are suffocated by procrastination, anxiety, self-doubt, and negative thoughts. There are plenty of ways to overcome those, and it’s by believing in yourself and learning to love yourself. http://holisticwellnessrn.com/6-amazing-benefits-of-learning-to-love-yourself/

anything is possible

Think about this, how can anyone else believe in you, if you don’t have faith in yourself? If you aren’t convinced by your ability to succeed, no one else will be. Imagine you want to build a successful business. You need investors to help you make that happen, and you have to convince them you’re a good choice. You have to believe in your concept, otherwise no one else will.


If you find yourself struggling with self-confidence then you’ll know that everything feels like an obstacle, no matter what you want to achieve. Self-confidence comes from within you, so start believing in your abilities.

self confidence

It’s all about picturing the finish line and visualizing the steps required to get you there. When you break it down into steps (or laps), suddenly you start believing in your abilities, because your goal seems more achievable.

Positive Attitude

Part of succeeding is a positive attitude. Your attitude makes a massive difference and negativity is the easiest way to ensure you never achieve a goal. With self-belief, however, you will possess a positive attitude. You cannot convince a negative person that they can do something, just like you will not be able to convince a positive person that they will fail.

positive vibes

If you believe in yourself, failure will be like water off a duck’s back, because you understand that it’s temporary. Failure is simply part of life’s process. It’s just like that well-worn phrase, “if at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try again.” Failures are lessons and do not mean you should abandon ship. Failure should not stop you, it should simply propel you to try harder, or try a different way.

If you believe in yourself, you will start to feel negative thoughts fading away. When you let go of the negative thoughts that fill your mind, you can replace them with positive thoughts. Just think about how often you have told yourself that you cannot do something. Unfortunately, for most of us it is far more common than we would like to admit. It is almost an instinct, simply because the brain loves to find ways to rationalize things. An excuse may seem a reasonable response, but it is filling you with self-doubt and slowing you down.

negative thoughts

Build Positive Thoughts

Feed your brain with affirmations of self-belief and build positive thoughts. If you do this, there will be no room in your mind for thoughts of negativity and pessimism. If they pop into your mind from time to time, you will find that your self-belief will quickly erase and replace them.


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