9 ways to breakthrough and claim your personal power

What Does It Mean To Have Personal Power?

What do you think of when you hear the term power? Do you conjure up images of authority, dominance, and control? Or a strong person that can be aggressive? Perhaps you imagine a member of the military, a bodyguard, or a police officer. Maybe it evokes a feeling of inferiority or fear. There is more to power than this, especially when it comes to personal power. Discover 9 ways to breakthrough and claim your personal power. 

You’ve probably heard people talking about taking their power back, but what does this mean?

Personal power is all about the strength that is inside of you.

9 ways to breakthrough and discover your personal power

It’s an inner strength that you don’t even realize that you have or need until you have to use it. Your personal power comes from the mistakes that you make as you grow up, learning from them, and in turn, making better choices. It isn’t about mastering other people, it’s about mastering yourself.

Personal power is made up of:

  • Knowing yourself
  • Being comfortable with who you are
  • Knowing the difference between right and wrong
  • Being trustworthy
  • Being honest
  • Living a life of integrity
  • Feeling comfortable with the choices that you make
  • Knowing what it is you want from life, and making your way forward
  • Knowing your strengths and weaknesses
  • Taking responsibility for your actions
  • Being open hearted and dependable

9 ways to breakthrough and claim your personal power

9 ways to breakthrough and claim your personal power:

  • You are in control of your personal power when you come to the realization that you have a choice. No matter what position you find yourself in, you will have a choice to say something or not to, to do something or not to, to react to something or not to, to go somewhere or not to. Essentially, you choose your path and the consequences that may come as a result of that choice.
  • You have personal power when you choose to take responsibility, regardless of the consequences.
  • You have personal power when you make decisions or take actions that allow you to fall asleep at night.9 ways to breakthrough and claim your personal power
  • You have personal power when you live a life that follows your standards. Other people may have some influence; however, you know how to turn your inner volume up to drown them out.


  • You have personal power when you allow your heart and soul to speak to you, and not only do you allow them to speak, but you listen. If something feels wrong, listen to what your gut is telling you, because chances are it’s right.


  • You have personal power when you don’t fall back on the blame game. Rather than passing it off as someone else’s problem, you feel comfortable asking yourself what you will do differently in a similar situation. You aren’t afraid to challenge yourself to do better.9 ways to breakthrough and claim your personal power
  • You have personal power when you realize that thoughts only have the power that you assign them.
  • You have personal power when you choose not to react to fear. For instance, you may stay quiet instead of speaking up because you’re worried about someone’s reaction. You’re giving away your power and upsetting yourself when you fail to speak your truth.
  • You have personal power when your  living your  life that is respectful to you, and who you are.

9 ways to breakthrough and claim your personal power

If you give your personal power away often enough, you’ll soon find yourself in a low spot until you learn how to make smarter decisions. This is just another lesson of life. When you have personal power, you can achieve your dreams. If you veer off course, it’s okay, just ask yourself how you’ll do things differently next time.

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