What You Need to Know About Herbalism

What is herbalism?

Herbal medicine, as the name suggests, relies on herbs to relieve symptoms. Herbalism (also herbal medicine or phytotherapy) is the study of botany and use of plants intended for medicinal purposes or for supplementing a diet.

Conventional medicine is the usual term used for modern Western medicine. It often relies on over the counter or prescription drugs in order to relieve symptoms.

Many conventional medical practitioners look down on herbalism as myth or “old wives’ tales,” but the truth is that herbs and botanicals are the source of more than 70% of the drugs used in conventional medicine, with even more on the way in the drug development pipeline.


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What happens when you conquer negativity and believe in yourself?

 Conquer Negativity

The biggest question here is when you are faced with a challenge, how do you respond? Do you immediately start thinking of ways that you can tackle it, or do you find yourself saying that nothing is going to work? If you are the latter, why do you focus on finding reasons that something will fail? Listen, we ALL have challenges in life. It’s how you deal with your challenges that will determine your outcome. Can you believe in yourself and conquer negativity?

believe in yourself

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What happens to your brain when you laugh daily?

Daily laughter benefits your brain

You’ve likely heard it more times than you can remember- laughter is the best medicine. This is true in many respects, as laughter can bring about meaningful neurochemical and physiological changes that can benefit the body. In particular, laughter can improve brain health, and help manage many “silent” disorders, not easily observed by medical practitioners, or society as a whole.


Interested in knowing what a little more laughter can do for your health and what happens to your brain when you laugh daily? Then read on below and find out!



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6 Amazing Benefits of Learning to Love Yourself

Love Yourself

No matter how much the hardest among us deny this – we all have a desire to be loved. Often, it’s a romantic love that we crave. We are caught up in our loneliness and it’s normal to have a want for companionship.  Romance isn’t everyone’s struggle or want – it may be a familial want or a platonic friendship. For some it may be a combination of all of these.


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5 tips to overcome paralyzing panic attacks


May is Mental Health Awareness month. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 4.7% of adults experience panic disorder at some point in their lives. https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/statistics/panic-disorder.shtml  

This isn’t a high percentage, but having personally experience anxiety and an ER trip in my life, anxiety and panic are not fun to live with. It can be debilitating living with anxiety and panic. Discover 5 tips to overcome paralyzing panic attacks.

May is mental health awareness month

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9 ways to breakthrough and claim your personal power

What Does It Mean To Have Personal Power?

What do you think of when you hear the term power? Do you conjure up images of authority, dominance, and control? Or a strong person that can be aggressive? Perhaps you imagine a member of the military, a bodyguard, or a police officer. Maybe it evokes a feeling of inferiority or fear. There is more to power than this, especially when it comes to personal power. Discover 9 ways to breakthrough and claim your personal power. 

You’ve probably heard people talking about taking their power back, but what does this mean?

Personal power is all about the strength that is inside of you.

9 ways to breakthrough and discover your personal power

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5 Self-Care Tips for Busy Moms

Moms are constantly pulled in a million different directions, finding themselves far too busy to get done what they need to get done, let alone worrying about self-care. Here are 5 self-care tips for busy moms.


The busier moms find themselves taking care of themselves less and less as they get busier taking care of their families. I’m here to help. As a single mom of 3, I can not stress the importance of self-care!  I’ll provide you with simple tips to get in your much needed self-care to get you back to feeling your best. It’s natural to put your kids first, but you can’t neglect yourself completely; you’re important too.

mom and baby

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How to Find Peace and Balance by stopping procrastination

Living a Chaotic Life

Many people in our society lead chaotic lives. Is it work/life balance? The inability to manage stress and emotions? Lack of peace within yourself? Turbulent relationships? Procrastination? Unruly kids? Lack of time management? Lack of happiness and joy? Too many things on your plate?

These questions are something to ask yourself if you find your life spiraling out of control.

Life should not be a chaotic situation because we only have one life, which is meant for peace, love, enjoyment, productivity and abundance.

The problem is, we accept the craziness of everyday life without realizing how detrimental it is to our overall health.

The sooner we can understand how valuable a healthy and balanced life is, the sooner we can appreciate it too.

stop procrastinating

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10 Ways To Combat Fatigue And Increase Your Vitality

Combat Fatigue And Increase Your Vitality

We live in a society of tired and worn out people. Many people have desk jobs or sit around all day, which, while not using much actual energy, tends to make us feel zapped and more tired because physical movement begets energy. We run around from work to chores to home where we face more chores without the needed energy to accomplish these tasks. We spend weekends stuck to gaming systems, television screens and spend little time in the fresh air. Continue reading for 10 ways to combat fatigue and increase your vitality.

jumping-increase your vitality

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5 Tips To Increase Your Self-Esteem

Having high self-esteem can be one of the greatest things in the world. However, if you don’t have high self-esteem, you may find that you’re struggling in areas like your social and work life. Here are five tips for you to increase your self-esteem.

5 tips to increase your self esteem

Take a Self-Esteem Inventory

For many people self-esteem is an elusive quality. But often self-esteem issues can be narrowed down. Take a self-esteem inventory. Continue reading “5 Tips To Increase Your Self-Esteem”