How To Find Your Why, Passion, And Purpose In Life

Stop Playing Around And Find Your Why

It’s easy to stay in our comfort zone and do what we’ve always done, even when we know it isn’t making us happy. Finding your true purpose and then turning your entire life around can be a daunting and fearful experience. But it is well worth it in the end. Keep reading for how to find your why, passion, and purpose in life.

Look, you have two choices here. You can continue to play around, living day by day, doing what you’ve always done up to this point. Or you can take a chance, dig deep and figure out what you’re really meant to be doing.

finding your why
Finding Your Why

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5 Good Reasons To Find Your “Why”

Find your purpose, follow your passion and determine your why


You need to find your purpose, they say…


You need to follow your passion, they say…


You need to determine your “why”, they say …


But sometimes it isn’t all that easy. It’s not easy to figure out exactly what your “why” is. Sometimes we feel stuck and we’re not even sure what our purpose and passion are, let alone follow them.


And sometimes we know exactly what we would like to be doing, but circumstances don’t allow it. There are bills to be paid, a family to take care of, and that company-funded health insurance sure comes in handy with a couple of rambunctious toddlers in the house.

follow your passion
Follow Your Passion

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Are You Excitedly Jumping Out Of Bed In The Morning?

Find Your Purpose And Passion

Do you excitedly jump out of bed in the morning, ready to face the day and get to work? Or are you lying in bed after the alarm goes off, dreading to have to face another day, another trip to the office were you spend 8 hours plus doing what you have to do just so you can pay your bills?


Waking up with dread in the morning, doesn’t sound like a lot of fun and isn’t how I want to live my life. I’m willing to bet you don’t either.

What makes the difference is having a purpose and finding your passion. Do that and all of a sudden you can’t wait to jump out of bed in the morning. You can’t wait to get to work and you think about what you’re doing well past 5pm.

When you’re following your passion and are making a difference in people’s lives, work isn’t just work. It’s something fulfilling and exciting that you look forward to doing.

Love what you do for a living

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5 Ways To Find Freedom By Being Imperfect


Imperfection is not the opposite of perfection, as if it is a state not to be desired. Instead, imperfection is the state of acceptance of self through love. Without seeing who you truly are, you won’t know what to change and what to keep. Perfectionism just throws everything out the window. Discover 5 ways to find freedom by being imperfect.

perfectly imperfect
Perfectly Imperfect

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How To Find Your Life Purpose

Finding Your Life Purpose: Questions to Ask Yourself

Do you know how to find your life purpose? If you posed that question to several people, the majority would likely answer no. It’s because there is a world of possibilities. People are afraid to try something new out of fear of the unknown. They often don’t know how to go about looking for what they should be doing.

You first need to ask if what you are doing now is satisfying. Put aside the bills and your paycheck for a moment. Do you get a charge out of getting up every morning to go to work? How do you feel on Sunday evenings, assuming you start up work on Mondays? Do you dread having to get up in the morning on Monday, or does it excite you?

how to find your life purpose
Life Purpose

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How to use the power of choice to heal and improve your life

Healing From Within: Using The Power Of Choice To Improve Your Quality Of Life And Wellness


Heal Your Life


Each of us has the ability to choose. We can decide what to eat each day, what clothes to wear, what restaurants to go to; we have the ability to choose what we want in life and what we don’t want. Learn how to use the power of choice to heal and improve your life.

Of course, some things we can’t choose like what color our skin is, what size feet we have, what day of the week it is, but we do have the ability to choose something that is really, really important.


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What happens when you conquer negativity and believe in yourself?

 Conquer Negativity

The biggest question here is when you are faced with a challenge, how do you respond? Do you immediately start thinking of ways that you can tackle it, or do you find yourself saying that nothing is going to work? If you are the latter, why do you focus on finding reasons that something will fail? Listen, we ALL have challenges in life. It’s how you deal with your challenges that will determine your outcome. Can you believe in yourself and conquer negativity?

believe in yourself

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9 ways to breakthrough and claim your personal power

What Does It Mean To Have Personal Power?

What do you think of when you hear the term power? Do you conjure up images of authority, dominance, and control? Or a strong person that can be aggressive? Perhaps you imagine a member of the military, a bodyguard, or a police officer. Maybe it evokes a feeling of inferiority or fear. There is more to power than this, especially when it comes to personal power. Discover 9 ways to breakthrough and claim your personal power. 

You’ve probably heard people talking about taking their power back, but what does this mean?

Personal power is all about the strength that is inside of you.

9 ways to breakthrough and discover your personal power

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5 Self-Care Tips for Busy Moms

Moms are constantly pulled in a million different directions, finding themselves far too busy to get done what they need to get done, let alone worrying about self-care. Here are 5 self-care tips for busy moms.


The busier moms find themselves taking care of themselves less and less as they get busier taking care of their families. I’m here to help. As a single mom of 3, I can not stress the importance of self-care!  I’ll provide you with simple tips to get in your much needed self-care to get you back to feeling your best. It’s natural to put your kids first, but you can’t neglect yourself completely; you’re important too.

mom and baby

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