How Herbs May Save Your Life During Times of Survival Situations

In recent times, citizens in our society have realized that the conveniences they rely on – from electricity to stores being open and fully stocked – may not be a sure thing, even if they’re deemed a necessity.

You never know what can happen. The systems that you rely on to help take care of your health and provide medication when you need it may not always be around or open.

pharmacy shelves

Supplies can become limited for a number of reasons. Weather obstacles or a trucker strike could cause a temporary delay. A global pandemic could cause a shortage of ingredients and medications.

That’s why it’s important that you know about medicinal plants and herbs and understand how to use them when necessary for maintaining and improving your health. Learn how herbs may save your life during times of survival situations.

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Herbal Health Has Become More Mainstream in Society

Years ago, herbal solutions to health issues were shunned. The main reason was because there simply wasn’t a consensus for how to make informed decisions on how to use them.

Because of that, many people had the wrong idea of what herbal health was. They labeled it as an alternative treatment and saw it from a negative point of view. The thought was that this type of solution was used by backwards societies, or those who didn’t trust doctors.

Without enough information or proof of how herbal health could provide healing properties, people were afraid to give it a try. So it was shunned by patients and doctors in favor of Western medication.

But rather than being a treatment solution that’s questionable or considered too alternative, herbal health is a natural method long used by those trained in the right procedures on how to treat ailments and sickness with plants and herbs.

Many civilizations used herbal alternatives. Western medicine had yet to be established, but other civilizations use herbal treatments over Western medicine even today.

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One civilization using it was ancient Egypt. There, those trained in treating patients would use natural treatments such as thyme, garlic, cumin, mustard seeds, aloe and honey to treat illness or infection.

Herbal medicines have long been used in Asian countries and is sometimes preferred over Western medicine. A focus is on restoring the patient’s elemental balance or the yin and yang. These treatments are nature-based and are used as part of an overall body treatment.

Ancient Greece treated people using things like parsley or olive oil, which was used in the past for the treatment of fevers.

Herbal solutions were used in the past for people of all ages across many different civilizations. Now, herbal health solutions have merged with Western medicine in order to treat sickness as well as chronic ailments.

Seeing herbal solutions in a new light occurred for several reasons – one being that people wanted alternative treatments. Two, as conditions improved using herbs, this method of treatment gained support and validity among naysayers.

Three, herbal solutions don’t have the same negative side effects as many Western medicines. As a result, the medical community discovered that working with patients to blend the two treatment styles could offer the best option for many people.

It was found that using a merged combination of herbs and Western medicine was effective in preventing many illnesses as well as treating illnesses. So its acceptance has boomed in modern days. Read about the prevalence and predictors of herbal medicine use among adults in the United States here:

Survival Situations May Impede Your Access to Traditional Care

When life is going well, it can feel like all the stars have aligned. Everyone is getting along, nothing is breaking down and those in your social circle or your family are all thriving.

But life being what it is, there are never any guarantees that everything is always going to run smoothly. You have to be prepared so that you know what to do in times when any upheaval happens.

If you’re like most people, you assume that traditional care is just a phone call away.

In today’s society with access to cell phones, it can be easy to believe that no matter where you go, if you have a health situation that needs treatment, you can get it.

It can be tempting to believe that if something occurs and you need medication, it won’t be an issue. Except when the unexpected happens. You might have decided to go on a camping trip with your family or friends.

You get way out into the wilderness and you’re having the time of your life. But then you or a friend realize you either lost your much needed medication or you forgot to bring it. In a situation like that, you’ll be faced with a tough decision.

If the medication is necessary to help save your life, you need an alternative. Waiting to trek back to your vehicle for days won’t work for you – not when you need medicine immediately.

sunset view from a tent

Or, it could be that a survival disaster situation has happened. You didn’t know it was coming because it came on so suddenly. Now, there’s no access to pharmaceuticals. You can’t get any from anywhere.

In times like these, the first thing that most people do is panic or worry. They have no idea what they’re going to do and they’re fearing that the worst case scenario is about to happen – that their health is going to deteriorate because of the lack of much-needed medical treatment.

If you don’t have access to a pharmacy or a doctor and you’re in the middle of a survival situation, you’re going to suffer or someone you love is going to suffer. There’s no need to put yourself through that – not when the knowledge to take care of yourself and those you love is so easy to learn.

You need to know about alternative treatments you can use when you’re in a situation where you can’t get the medicine or treatment that you need. These alternatives, or herbal solutions, are plentiful and easy to find so that you can survive.

But, you can’t just go out into the woods or a field and hope you recognize something. Just as there are lifesaving plants out there, there are also some that will end your life if you take the wrong thing.

You have to know what you’re doing. The only way to understand what works to treat your health issues is by studying which herbal solutions are used for this. You need to know where they’re found.

You also need to know how much of a solution is right for your body. On top of that, you need to know how to prepare the herbal solution for use. When you know these things, you won’t have to worry about being caught in a no-win health situation. You’ll be prepared.

Knowledge Is Power When It Comes to Your Health

When it comes to your health, you can’t afford to leave anything up to chance. The more you know about what it is that your body needs and how to treat ailments, the better off you are.

Studies have shown that people who are proactive and understand how to help their own health have higher survival rates than those who leave everything up to chance or who trust without knowing what they’re putting into their bodies.

Knowledge is power when it comes to your health. That doesn’t mean that you should ignore or replace traditional care. It means that you need to have the option of knowing what natural tools or resources you can use in the event you have to rely on yourself.

With today’s world, it’s being proven more and more that knowing how to take care of your own health is the right thing to do. If you need help, be your first line of defense. Plus, when you know what to do, it’s empowering.

You’re less likely to panic during a survival situation. In an emergency situation when you need treatment but don’t have access to a doctor or medication, you need to know quick remedies using what you have on hand – or remedies that you can locate yourself.

For example, you need to know what types of plants you have in your own backyard or in your own local area that can be used in the place of traditional care if need be. You may end up with an emergency such as a swollen and inflamed area of the gums and not have any access to dental care because of a survival situation.

You should know that there’s a household ingredient taken straight from your pantry that you can use to treat that. Turmeric can be used to create a paste and applied to gums to reduce swelling because it has anti-bacterial properties.


For people who have headaches that are disruptive and can’t get any medication to reduce the pain, then you would need to know that ginger can treat headaches. So can cinnamon.

If you’re out in a wooded area and you’re suffering from diarrhea, you need to know which plant leaves can be used to treat this. In case you didn’t know, the answer is blackberry leaves.

When you develop a rash that’s bothersome or itchy, you need to get it treated because many skin rashes can become worse if left untreated, and if they lead to open sores on the body, there’s a risk of infection developing.

Using something like lavender can alleviate the itching caused by many types of rashes and give you relief. Without access to traditional care, you might run into situations where you need to treat a cold, or you might need to know how to deal with a yeast infection without medication. Both can be treated with echinacea.

Popular Herbal Supplements Consumers Demand

Some herbal supplements are bestsellers because consumers have discovered that they work to treat what ails them. One of these is St. John’s Wort. This supplement has long been in demand, thanks to the properties it contains that help relieve the symptoms of depression.

The ingredients can boost a person’s mood, thanks to the hypericin and hyperforin in the supplement. But it can also be used to help treat the symptoms that go along with menopause. For example, it can be taken to lessen the effects of hot flashes that occur.

Ginseng is another supplement that’s in demand, and that’s because it delivers many benefits to the body. It works to give the immune system a boost. You’re less likely to come down with a common cold when using this supplement. And if you do catch a cold, you’ll likely bounce back faster than you did in the past.

It also works to ease fatigue and to give a boost of energy. It’s an antioxidant that reduces oxidative stress and lowers inflammation in the body. This supplement can also work to benefit those who have diabetes.

It works to boost insulin production and can help stabilize blood sugar levels. In addition to lowering blood sugar levels, it can also work to lower high blood pressure. This is something that can be extremely helpful in a situation where you or someone you love can’t get access to your blood pressure medications.

ginseng root

Another supplement that’s always in high demand is gingko. It’s an antioxidant that also fights inflammation. It can help with autoimmune conditions such as inflammatory arthritis.

It helps boost circulation and can improve cognitive function. It can be used to help treat anxiety and depression. Some studies have also shown that the supplement offers promise in the treatment of certain eye conditions, such as glaucoma.

You don’t have to rely on trying to find these supplements to buy. With the high demand for them, you don’t want to end up not being able to get what you need. Any time you have to rely on a third party, you’re putting your treatment options and possibly your life in another’s hands.

It’s always best to be self-sufficient. That’s why many people start growing herbs and botanicals themselves. You can easily do the same. But of course, you have to start by learning what types of herbs you’re going to need for yourself and your family.

You’ll want to grow things that can be used to help with everyday issues such as headaches or muscle pains. But you’ll always want to grow these supplements that are specific to your health needs.

If you have a medical condition like diabetes or inflammation, then learn what you should plant so you have a treatment method if needed. Don’t forget that some herbal remedies work well for pets, too.

Knowing what to plant and grow really is the key. You don’t want to waste time or space in your garden growing things that aren’t of use. You also want to be sure that you get the best choice when using herbs as treatment.

The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies

It can be helpful to have this knowledge gathered in book form, like it is in The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies. This book is filled with more than 800 different plants that you can use to help yourself and your family.

You’ll be able to understand what the remedies are and how to use them before you actually need them. That means in a survival situation, you can have access to care regardless of what’s going on in the world around you.

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The book contains what you need to grow as well as recipes you’ll need to use to take the remedies and turn them into things like salves for treating skin issues or teas for treating digestive issues.

Get your copy of The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies here:

The book tells you how to use the herbal plants you’re growing. For example, in one section, the book teaches users how they can create an oil that’s used to bring relief to painful joints.

You’ll learn how to use the oil and how often you need to use it for relief. The book is filled with pictures of plants, mushrooms and more that accurately describe each plant. So even if you’re a complete newbie to planning herbs, you can follow along with the identification parameters laid out in the book so that you plant exactly what you need.

In addition to telling you what plants you may need to have in your garden, the book also tells you what you may already have in your backyard. But because you may not know plants, you may not even realize that you already have some of them on or near your property.

For example, dandelions can be used to lower high cholesterol in people who have this condition. You’ll learn about common weeds that you may have growing near your home that are so powerful, they can treat a multitude of ailments.

You’ll also discover which plant can be used as an effective antibiotic. Living with pain isn’t anyone’s idea of fun. You don’t want to be caught without painkillers in an emergency situation.

With this book, you’ll learn the recipe for how to create natural painkillers from what you can grow. Unlike powerful painkillers that need a prescription, these natural ones, which can work with the same potency of morphine, don’t cause addictions to develop. By learning how to grow and use herbs and botanicals, as taught in The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies, you can be prepared for whatever happens.

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