What is Plant Medicine?

Plant medicine comes from herbs that are naturally grown. They have been used for many years to heal the body. Our ancestors knew of the healing power of plants and the many benefits of using them.

Many herbs are known for their natural healing properties. They heal our bodies while giving us nutrients at the same time. It’s natural, not chemically manufactured. Many drugs on the market today try to mimic what herbs do, they can’t very well sell an herb as a drug, because we can find it growing out in the wild for free.

various herbs

Click here to read an article on Herbal Medicine by John Hopkin’s Medicine

The big drug companies can’t make money off that, could they?

Our body is amazing and is always repairing itself when we get sick or hurt. When we eat food, we are giving nutrients to our bodies to use to nourish and help heal us. Herbs are just like a superfood, growing out in the wild for a reason. We might have some growing in our front yard if we take a look.

When we eat or use the herbal remedy, it starts working to heal us from the inside out right away. We will then continue using it until we are better or the issue is gone. It’s rather fascinating when you think about it.

It’s just like eating an apple for our health. Our bodies take the apple nutrients and use it where it needs it to go. Some herbs are good for many things. We don’t need to be an expert in herbal medicine.

baskets of apples

Just by using a handful of herbs, we can heal many things in our body.

Plant medicine of herbs fights off infection when we need it. They can help build up our immune system when we start feeling like we’re getting a cold. Herbs are anti-bacteria fighters and antiseptic and help us with our digestive system.

Herbs also can be a laxative when we feel constipated. Clear up our head when those spring and summer flowers start to bloom and make our heads stuffy.

They can help us relax and get a good night’s sleep or just calm us down when we’re stressed out.

Herbs are amazing. They complement our bodies perfectly. Those two, working together perfectly, like old friends without any ill effects on our bodies like pharmaceutical drugs.

Click here to read my blog about how herbs can help you in survival situations

Our bodies are talking to us when we start to feel ill. And telling us to take action, that our body is missing something it needs. It’s will give us a sign, like our throat, will get itchy. It’s saying that we are getting a cold. And it wants some nutrition to help heal that itchy throat.

It’s truly amazing. Over the counter medicine just masks the problem, when that man-made medicine wears off, we’re still sick. With plant medicine, we are taking nutrients in our body that is helping to heal our body, not just numbing the feeling in our itchy throat until later.

What Are the Benefits of Plant Medicine?

The main benefit of plant medicine is that it’s completely natural. It helps your body heal naturally, going after the main issue rather than covering up a symptom only to have it arise again once the drug wears off.

Plants are not artificially made drugs from a laboratory with harmful synthetic materials in them like drug store medicines.

Plant medicine has no side effects when taken wisely, unlike many pharmaceutical medicines that can have deadly side effects. Just listen to commercials on TV talking about drugs they are trying to market to the public.


They include a long list of side effects and read off quickly to keep you from really paying attention to the health threat these pharmaceutical companies are pushing.

The last side effect on that list sometimes says, “And it could cause death”.

When taking plant medicine for any health or healing issues, you can feel confident that you’ll be treating the problem itself. Unlike when you go to the doctor for that issue, they want to treat the symptom and make that go away, but not the health problem itself.

That’s why you have to keep going back to the doctor repeatedly. Adding more and more medication to take, which in turn causes more issues in your body than you had to start with.

The issue might go away for a few hours only to return when their pharmaceutical medicine quits working.

Plants heal and nourish the body.  It’s constantly working to clean the toxins out of your body every day. Just from the simple things you encounter, like the air you breathe, heavy metals in the environment, and the junk food you sometimes enjoy.

Herbal plants help that process along, working in perfect harmony together to move out the bad stuff. Repairing and flushing out those toxins that will help you heal faster and become healthier.

Many drugs from medical professionals just clog up your system, making you feel tired and worn out, causing more issues rather than healing the problem. Even going so far as to kill off all the good bacteria in your body, ripping your body of the essential nutrients that it needs to repair and heal itself.

It’s just a guessing game when going to the doctor and you’ll often be sent home with more than one prescription. Switching one out for another or adding two more to the mix after each session.

It can be a nightmare.

After just a few visits you might end up taking several prescriptions and feel no better, often worse than when you started going to the doctor in the first place.

Before long you’ll start having many issues. All because the medical professionals are treating your symptoms and not always identifying and treating the root cause of your problem.

Plant medicine works with the body to help repair itself, it goes after the problem and fights off infections. Helping you build up your immune system, not tear it down with synthetic properties. Plants will raise your energy level while moving out toxins in your body.

This will make you stronger and be able to fight off any infection before it starts.  Plant medicine can heal your body more quickly and efficiently.

**Medical advice should always be obtained from a qualified medical professional for any health conditions or symptoms associated with them. Every possible effort has been made in preparing and researching this material. I make no warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability of its contents or any omissions.**

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