What is Plant Medicine?

Plant medicine comes from herbs that are naturally grown. They have been used for many years to heal the body. Our ancestors knew of the healing power of plants and the many benefits of using them.

Many herbs are known for their natural healing properties. They heal our bodies while giving us nutrients at the same time. It’s natural, not chemically manufactured. Many drugs on the market today try to mimic what herbs do, they can’t very well sell an herb as a drug, because we can find it growing out in the wild for free.

various herbs

Click here to read an article on Herbal Medicine by John Hopkin’s Medicine

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How to Master Kitchen Organization in 7 Simple Steps

Decluttering your kitchen doesn’t have to be overwhelming. We will take it step by step, area by area, and you’ll be finished before dinner is ready! Unless you have to cook dinner, too, which is highly likely. Then, you’ll be finished before the pizza arrives. Keep reading to find out how to master kitchen organization in 7 simple steps.

Your kitchen is the heart of your home. It’s where you share meals, plan family outings, and create memories with your loved ones. But as busy families know all too well, it can be hard to find time for everything – especially if you’re juggling work or school in addition to managing a household on your own.

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How to Start to Organize and Declutter Your Home

animated house cleaning items

Did you know that an organized and decluttered home positively effects your mental wellbeing? A cluttered home may contribute to depression, decreased focus, confusion, and tension. I know after I complete a big organization and decluttering project, I feel really good after I’m done.

What’s behind that good feeling of having everything in it’s place? Read more from VeryWell Mind about the relationship between mental health and cleaning here: verywellmind.com/how-mental-health-and-cleaning-are-connected

Now that we know about the benefits of having an organized and decluttered home, let’s look at tips on how to get started.

inside of a country home that is organized and decluttered

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6 Simple Ways to Kick-Start a Healthy Mind and Body

When we hear the word “health,” we typically think about physical health. But that’s only one aspect of our wellbeing. A more holistic view of health also includes a healthy mind. And a healthy lifestyle is built on the foundation of healthy habits that support both of those two aspects combined. So, what does that look like? Here we’ll go over six simple and realistic tips to kick-start a healthy mind and body.

  1. Start the Day with a “Mindful” Morning Routine

Having some time to yourself in the early morning before the day starts is crucial, in my opinion. Before the constant rush of things to do, people to see, and places to be begins, setting aside time to ease into the day with a mindful morning routine is key to a positive and productive day.

This idea is slightly different for just any old morning routine. That’s because the focus is on a “mindful” morning routine where you choose to be “fully present for a few simple activities to start your day off on the right foot.”

mindfulness, being present

Keep in mind, one person’s ideal morning ritual may not be the same as another’s. There is no wrong or right way. Instead, your routine should be specific to you.

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5 Simple Ways to Live a Sustainable Lifestyle

 It’s hard to turn on the news or pick up a newspaper without reading stories about our planet in peril.  Many years of industry and irresponsible management of Earth’s resources have led to major issues with pollution, toxic waste, and climate change. How can we combat what’s happening to the globe?  Sustainable living is the answer that many people are turning to in order to make the world a healthier place.  But for many people, sustainable living seems like an unattainable lifestyle.   Learn what you can do to live a sustainable lifestyle.

5 simple ways to live a sustainable life

As you read through the ways to live a sustainable lifestyle, you may want to keep a pen and paper handy.  Jot down the ideas that are the most appealing and fit your lifestyle best.  Remember that you can make this lifestyle work fork   you at any level.

Before you become overwhelmed you should know that you can work toward sustainability in small steps.  It might help to really understand what sustainable living means. Let’s look at an overview of sustainable living and help you to see the big picture.

We’ll also look more in detail at specific aspects of sustainable living and what steps you can take to implement them into your lifestyle.  Before you can decide what’s right for you, it helps to know the basics. Be sure to subscribe and take the quiz to find out if your lifestyle could use an eco-makeover!

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5 Ways to Have a Spiritual Breakthrough by Praying

 Prayer is an essential part of our spiritual growth. It can help improve other aspects of your life, including your relationships with others. It is easy to forget the essential role that prayer plays in our lives each day, but we need to add it in more if we wish to improve. Learn 5 simple ways that praying can lead to a spiritual breakthrough for you.

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How to Detox Daily: 10 Simple Natural Ways

plate with the word detox made from scrabble pieces

Natural Ways to Detox Daily

Did you know that 95% of the world’s population has health problems? It’s a staggering number when you think of it. And you’re likely one of many who fall into that statistic. Because as the world gets more toxic by the day, through pollution and negativity, the number of illnesses has reached an all-time high. What can you do? One solution is to detox yourself of these harmful toxins. To help you do that, I’ll guide you through natural ways to detox daily, so that you can rid yourself of mental and physical toxicity.

Illnesses that are affecting us arise from very small pathogens (germs), both physically. These pathogens are everywhere around us, but we simply don’t notice them. And they can lead to symptoms such as fatigue, back pain, or even a mild headache. Typically, these symptoms go away quickly but still hibernate in our system – waiting for the right time to come out again.

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5 signs that you are having a spiritual awakening. What are those signs?

spiritual womans face shimmered in gold

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When you go through a spiritual awakening, you will realize it. It will permeate your mind, body, and soul. Once this awakening occurs, you can transform, learn to let go of the past, along with any of the hurt found there. Then you can embrace the life you deserve. What is a spiritual awakening? Learn the 5 signs that indicate you are having a spiritual awakening.

A spiritual awakening is a process of letting go of the idea that you are an individual. You let go of the “I” of yourself and allow the witness or higher self to be present in your consciousness. You let go of being separate from oneness with the world around you.

spiritual womans face shimmered in gold

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What to do to overcome paralyzing anxiety. 4 easy tips.

anxiety spelled in scrabble squares

Like many things, anxiety is a disorder that only people with anxiety can truly understand. This makes it hard for others to empathize with you, because they have not experienced it themselves. It also means a lot of common misconceptions get thrown around.

There are some things that are often said about anxiety that are simply not true. It helps to understand them when you are on the path to improving your own emotional health, or you when you know someone else is struggling with anxiety. Learn 4 easy tips to implement to overcome paralyzing anxiety.

girl suffering from anxiety covering her face under the covers

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How Herbs May Save Your Life During Times of Survival Situations

In recent times, citizens in our society have realized that the conveniences they rely on – from electricity to stores being open and fully stocked – may not be a sure thing, even if they’re deemed a necessity.

You never know what can happen. The systems that you rely on to help take care of your health and provide medication when you need it may not always be around or open.

pharmacy shelves

Supplies can become limited for a number of reasons. Weather obstacles or a trucker strike could cause a temporary delay. A global pandemic could cause a shortage of ingredients and medications.

That’s why it’s important that you know about medicinal plants and herbs and understand how to use them when necessary for maintaining and improving your health. Learn how herbs may save your life during times of survival situations.

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